Baby’s First Superfood: Soft Boiled Egg Yolk

Serving a soft-boiled yolk is ideal because it preserves nutrients, makes it more digestible, is less allergenic (the whites are what normally causes an allergic reaction in babies that are prone to an egg allergy!) and is a perfect consistency for baby. Egg yolk contains choline, an essential nutrient for brain function. Choline and other nutrients are destroyed once exposed to heat, so serving runny is ideal. It is a brain-boosting food, served as a first food to babies all over the world!

Single Serving Soft Boiled Egg Yolk


1 pastured, organic egg (local if you can)
Pinch of Celtic or sea salt


In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil.
Use a spoon to slide the egg into the water an boil for 3.5-4 minutes (this may take more like 6-7 minutes for high altitude climates).
Remove the egg and drop it in a bowl to crack.

Two ways to get the yolk without the white:
1. Once the egg opens, peel away the white, remove ALL of the remaining white, and place yolk in a separate bowl. The egg yolk should slip out in a little ball


2. Peel shell. Gently press a spoon onto the yolk to release the thin membrane surrounding yolk, while drizzling yolk into another bowl for feeding to baby (see photos below for step-by-step guidance).


Yolk should be warm and soft. Sprinkle with the smallest amount of Celtic salt.
Spoon feed just the yolk to your baby, since the whites tend to be what creates an allergic response (it contains the proteins).
In the future, you can drizzle the yolk and let it dry a bit on other food items you feed your baby (sliced avocado, etc).



  • Super Nutrition for Babies by Katherine Erlich

Updated 3/29/21

  1. Peel shell away


2. Remove part of the cooked egg white to expose the egg yolk


3. Gently press a spoon onto the yolk to release the thin membrane surrounding the yolk


4. Using slight pressure, press into egg yolk to puncture thin membrane surrounding yolk


5. Drizzle yolk into another bowl to serve to your baby


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